
Enterprise Culture
Culture.Customer satisfaction as the purpose, made the biggest user trust. Implementation customers, employees, companies, social harmony and development
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  After-sales service
  Kaicheng has a worldwide network for maintenance services, modernisations and spare parts. Our Maintenance Services cover all activities, necessary for trouble-free crane operation. No matter how much or little assistance is needed Kaicheng maintenance programs allow you to focus on your core production equipment and product, and trust your overhead cranes to us.
  Kaicheng inspection programs enhanced by unique maintenance software.
Consulting & Training:
  Not only do our training centres provide our technicians and inspectors with state-of-the-art training and instruction but they can provide your service personnel and crane operators with training too.
  Crane Modernisation improves crane availability, reliability and safety and is part of cost controlled maintenance.
Spare Parts:
  Kaicheng has parts centres around the world that supply replacement parts for all makes and models of cranes - even older cranes no longer manufactured.
Maintenance Programs:
  Operating in 41 countries, Kaicheng maintains more cranes globally than any other company.
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